Sept. 12, 2015
A Letter to My Daughter on Her First Day to College
Dear Angel,
On the first day of your college life, my attention was held by your unexpected sobs on the other end of the phone. That very first day of your kindergarten instantly flashed back to my mind, when was your second weaning in your life.
In sharp contrast, the other day I inadvertently mentioned some of my girl classmates wept the first night at college, you just didn’t buy my story with a careless pooh. I didn’t think you could have lost control of yourself and given way to tears in a strange dorm room away from home encountering the third weaning in your life. Now I believe that after the
forced smiling goodbye to us, you plunged into a complete helpless loss and disorientation.
What I now want to say is: How could you see rainbows before weathering a storm? How could you really know the comfort at home before going away? How could you savor the sweetness of rice before tasting bitterness?
What more I want to say is: No single lesson comes from somebody else’ preaching. Rather, it comes from your own physical experience. Hardships are, in many cases, a college and an invaluable fortune in one’s life. No wonder that we’re deeply moved every time we watch the TV program by the name of “Transformation”.
After a short period of maladjustment and disorientation, I strongly believe you are definitely sure to orientate yourself and find your way out in the vigorous and dazzling life on campus.
Bestowed with the support and favor from your class tutor, classmates and seniors, you’re sure to start your own brilliant future.
Lots of love,
此时此刻,我想对你说的是:不经历风雨,哪能见到彩虹?不远离家乡,哪知家里的舒适? 不尝苦涩,哪知米饭的香甜?